The source code for the projects available is based on different computer programming languages such as C/C++, PHP, Java, Javascript, VB.Net,, Python and Swift. Please feel free to use it for educational purposes. We provide tutorials, free source codes and how to’s? to get started with projects that might interest you. We hope to provide anyone with necessary and relevant content projects they need to practice and help in their daily programming career. TL DR We are fast becoming best open source code & projects organization - Code Projects is developed to provide interested people with resources to build their knowledge, and exchange ideas. LOGIN DETAILS ARE PROVIDED IN “Readme.txt” FILE INSIDE THE PROJECT FOLDER DOWNLOAD HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN VB.NET WITH SOURCE CODE: CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW For the project demo, have a look at the image slider below. Human Resource Management System in VB.NET is free to download with source code. To run this project you must have installed Visual Studio IDE and SQL Server on your PC. This project is easy to operate and understood by the users. He/she can share certain news within the system.ĭesign of this is so simple that user won’t find difficulties while working on it. The last feature of this project is about posting news. The user can also search employee by department, salary and job title.

To check the performance of employees, the user just has to select a month. It also contains a unique Department ID which is automatically generated by the system. Talking about department section, the user has to provide department name, phone number, strength, and select a Manager.